You will need to set up at least one contact list before you can send an eMarketing campaign. A contact list is a set of contacts who have chosen to accept eMarketing emails. Every eMarketing email is associated with a contact list. If a recipient clicks the unsubscribe link in an email, they can choose to add or remove themselves from any contact lists that they are members of.
Your agency should have one contact list for each type of eMarketing email that you send.
Contact lists are created from the E-Marketing module, by clicking the “New Contact List” button.
The filter section allows you to create a set of search rules that define the members of the list. To add a rule, click the “Add Rule” button and select a type from the drop-down list. The rule will be added to the filter. Click any of the links in the rule to modify it. Click the X on the right to remove the rule.
Rules are collected in groups. Click the “Add Group” button to create a group. You can choose if any or all the rules in the group must be met for a contact to be a member. You can create groups within groups. Click the X on the right to remove the group (and any rules it contains).
As you add and modify filter rules the Members description will update to indicate how many contacts are members of the list.
After you create a new contact list you can double click it from the contacts lists section to view and modify it. The contact list form will contain additional tabs listing all the current members, any members who have unsubscribed, or opted out of eMarketing, and any emails that have been sent to the list.
Typically, contacts will not want to receive eMarketing emails from your agency forever. Contacts are automatically unsubscribed from the list after the chosen unsubscribe period. This period is calculated from the first email they receive as a member of the list.
From the “Members” tab you will see all the members of the list. You can unsubscribe any member by selecting them and clicking the “Unsubscribe” button in the ribbon bar at the top of the form.
From the “Unsubscriptions” tab you will see all the contacts who could be members of the list but have unsubscribed from it or opted out of eMarketing altogether. You can resubscribe any member by selecting them and clicking the “Resubscribe” button in the ribbon bar at the top of the form.
You should not resubscribe a contact without their explicit permission or you may be in breach of the Spam Act 2003.
Note that you cannot resubscribe a contact that has opted out of eMarketing.
From the “Emails” tab you will see all the emails that use the contact list.
To hide a contact list, use the “Delete” button in the ribbon bar at the top of the form. Previously deleted contact lists may re-enabled with the “Undelete” button. You cannot delete a contact list that has been used on an email recently as this would prevent the recipients from unsubscribing.
Typically, the subscription management page for a contact is accessed by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of an eMarketing email. MultiArray can provide your agency with a web page link that allows any contact to retrieve their subscription management page by entering their email address.
The subscription management page displays all the lists that the contact can join. They can also choose to opt out of all eMarketing, which prevents them from receiving any eMarketing email.