Using Outlook Email Templates

Using Outlook Email Templates

 Microsoft Outlook has the ability to create email messages using a prewritten email as a template. When opening a saved email template file, a new email is created that is a direct copy of the template. Changes made to this email do not affect the original template. 
To use this feature, you firstly write an email as you would normally. You do not specify any recipients. Then you save the email as an Outlook Template (.oft) file from the main menu button of the email as shown here. 

Select "Outlook Template (*.oft)" in the 'Save as type' box in the Save As dialog, then browse to your desired save location. Then click Save. 

Note: To edit a saved template, you must repeat this process. Template files cannot be edited directly - they can only be saved by overwriting it with an email being saved as a template file. 
Email templates support rich text and HTML just like normal emails, so you can apply your own formatting. Attachments can also be saved with email templates. This means you can send other documents, such as company newsletters or marketing material, along with the report being sent. 
Email templates also support text data substitution in the Subject and the Body. This feature is specific for use in the Real Estate Manager software. The syntax for a data field placeholders is <data:FieldName> where FieldName is the name of a data field.

Typical data field placeholders are:
  1. <data: Address>
  2. <data: SupplierName>
  3. <data: OnSiteContactName> 
The data fields available depends on the type of email being sent. 

There are eight different email templates available in the system to be configured.

  1. Each template is used for sending a specific, standard document as an attachment to the intended recipient. 
  2. Owner Statements - For sending owner statements to owners. 
  3. Financial Statements - For sending owner financial statements to owners. 
  4. Inspection Reports - For sending inspection reports to owners. 
  5. Tenant Receipts - For sending receipts to tenants. 
  6. Tenant Invoices - For sending invoice statements to tenants. 
  7. Work Orders - For sending work orders to suppliers. 
  8. Quote Requests - For sending work orders to suppliers. 
  9. Remittance Advices - For sending remittance advices to suppliers. 
  10. Payslips - For sending payslips to staff. 
The paths to the Outlook Template file are under the Administration Menu, select, Departments, click on the Property Management Department and open the E-Mail templates tab. 

Note: Outlook template paths must be stored on a file server on your local computer network so that all users of the software have access to the file. 
Refer to each section below for the complete set of field names available for each type of email. 

Owner Statement Email Template Fields 

Here is the complete list of field names available ; emailing Owner Statements:
  1. CreationDateTime
  2. DeliveryDateTime
  3. DeliveryEndDate
  4. DeliveryStartDate
  5. DepartmentNotes
  6. NetRentCommissionPercentage
  7. Notes
  8. NumberOfCopies
  9. OtherCommission
  10. OwnerName
  11. OwnerStatementBatchNumber
  12. PaymentDetails
  13. PaymentToOwnerAmount
  14. PeriodFromDate
  15. PeriodToDate
  16. PropertyAddressText
  17. PropertyGroupNumber
  18. PropertyManagerName
  19. RecipientAddressBlock
  20. RecipientContactName
  21. RecipientEmailAddress
  22. RecipientMobilePhone
  23. RecipientNameOnLetters
  24. RentCommission
  25. RentReceived
  26. SmsAlertActive
  27. SmsAlertSent 
RecipientNameOnLetters is usually the owner's name, but the recipient is not always the owner so it is best to use RecipientNameOnLetters instead of OwnerName. 

Owner Financial Statement Email Template Fields

Emailing Financial Statements uses the set same fields as for Owner Statements (above).

Inspection Report Email Template Fields

Yet to be determined.

Tenant Receipt Email Template Fields 

Here is the complete list of field names available when emailing Tenant Receipts: 
  1. CreationDateTime
  2. Date Number
  3. Notes
  4. Amount
  5. PostChequeToAddress
  6. AddressText PayeeName
  7. Cancelled
  8. CancellationDate
  9. DatePresented
  10. PayeeAddress
  11. ChequeNumber
  12. Drawer
  13. AccountName
  14. AccountNumber
  15. BankName
  16. BankBranchName
  17. BSB
  18. ReasonName
  19. PaymentMethodName
  20. WeeklyRentGSTInclusive
  21. RentAmount
  22. InvoicesAmount
  23. BankAgentNumber
  24. BPayNumber
  25. OtherDepositNumber
  26. VacancyDate
  27. RentalReviewDueDate
  28. RentalReviewPeriod
  29. RentalReviewAmount
  30. NormalRentAmount     
  31. RentPaymentPeriod
  32. RentalPaymentDayOfMonth
  33. PartialPaymentAmount
  34. PaidToDate
  35. NextRentPeriodStartDate
  36. NextRentChangeDate
  37. NextRentAmount
  38. NextRentPaymentPeriod
  39. NextRentalPaymentDayOfMonth
  40. RentPeriods
  41. RentPeriodStartDate
  42. RentPeriodEndDate
  43. CorrectedPartialPaymentAmount
  44. CorrectedPaidToDate
  45. PaymentPlanStartDate
  46. PaymentPlanEndDate
  47. PaymentPlanAmount
  48. PayerName
  49. RentHoldingDepositBalance
  50. RentDeductionAmount
  51. RentDeductionReason 

Tenant Invoice Email Template Fields

Here is the complete list of field names for Tenant Invoices:
  1. Number
  2. DateInvoiced
  3. TotalAmount
  4. GstAmount
  5. AmountAllocated
  6. AmountPaid
  7. LastPaymentDate
  8. AmountDue
  9. DueDate
  10. Notes
  11. Reason
  12. AddressText
  13. OwnerNames
  14. DateLastPaid
  15. WriteOffNotes
  16. InvoicedToName
  17. DebtorName
  18. PostInvoiceToAddress
  19. SupplierServiceTypeID
  20. PeriodFrom
  21. PeriodTo
  22. LastInvoicedDate
  23. RepeatingText
  24. RepeatingFrequency 

 Work Order Email Template Fields

Here is the complete list of field names for Work Orders: 
  1. Number 
  2. CostEstimate 
  3. AmountCharged 
  4. GSTAmount 
  5. GSTPayable 
  6. GSTInclusive 
  7. WorkDetail
  8. CoveredByInsurance
  9. ActualCompletionDate
  10. DateIssued
  11. DateCancelled
  12. OnSiteContactName
  13. CompletionDate
  14. AgreedCompletionDate
  15. OwnerInstructions
  16. AuthorisedByStaffName
  17. SupplierName
  18. Address
  19. UrgentRepairAuthority
  20. MaintenanceNotes
  21. HookNumber
  22. CancelReason  

Quote Request Email Template Fields

Here is the complete list of field names for Quote Requests: 
  1. Number
  2. JobNumber
  3. QuotedAmount
  4. WorkDetail
  5. DateIssued
  6. DateAccepted
  7. DateCancelled
  8. OnSiteContactName
  9. DueDate
  10. CompletionDate
  11. AgreedCompletionDate
  12. OwnerInstructions
  13. GSTPayable
  14. GSTInclusive
  15. AuthorisedByStaffName
  16. SupplierName
  17. Address
  18. UrgentRepairAuthority
  19. MaintenanceNotes
  20. HookNumber
  21. ServiceTypeName 

Supplier Remittance Advice Template Fields

Here is the complete list of field names for Supplier Remittance Advices: 
  1. CreationDateTime
  2. Date
  3. Number
  4. Notes
  5. Amount
  6. PostChequeToAddress 
  7. PayeeName
  8. Cancelled
  9. CancellationDate
  10. DatePresented 
  11. PayeeAddress 
  12. Paid
  13. ChequeNumber
  14. Drawer
  15. AccountName
  16. AccountNumber
  17. BankName
  18. BankBranchName
  19. BSB 

Staff Payslip Fields

Here is the complete list of field names that can be used when emailing payslips to staff: 
  1. Abn
  2. AcceptsEmail
  3. AcceptsMail
  4. AcceptsSMS
  5. Acn
  6. ActiveSinceDate
  7. AddressText
  8. Attention
  9. CategoryNames
  10. Code
  11. DateOfBirth
  12. DateStarted
  13. Email
  14. Email2
  15. Fax
  16. ForwardingAddressText
  17. GivenNames
  18. HideFromStaffWebList
  19. HideMobileOnWeb
  20. HomePhone
  21. JobTitle
  22. LetterName
  23. MailMergeName
  24. MobilePhone
  25. MobilePhone2
  26. Name
  27. Notes
  28. PeriodEndDate
  29. PostalAddressText
  30. PreferredName
  31. Surname
  32. TerminationDate
  33. TerminationNotes
  34. Title
  35. UserName
  36. WebDisplayOrder
  37. WebPageAddress
  38. WebProfileNotes
  39. WorkPhone
  40. WorkPhoneExt 

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